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Get JobScout for your organization! Starting at $100 a month, you can help your clients, patrons and constituents learn to use the Internet to find work.

JobScout PREMIERE is for those customers who would like further lesson content created or want to discuss the unique ways they can work with JobScout. Please email scc to learn more today. We work with organizations to create custom systems.

Connect Plus
case_icon Access to the JobScout platform enjoyed by the general public plus_icon All the benefits made available with a CONNECT subscription
lock_icon Private login through the COMPASS Analytics system—Analytics to educate you about your users and their progress yours_icon Your branding reflected on the JobScout platform
question_icon Customer support from the JobScout team www_icon A custom domain for your users
calendar_icon Monthly Webinars teaching new tools and site updates graph_icon Custom analytics tracking from your domain
pamphlet_icon Offline collateral to share with users, patrons and fans (posters, postcards and stickers) hotairballoon
arrow_icon Point of contact to resolve all issues
plus2_icon All the benefits made available with a CONNECT and CONNECT PLUS subscription plus3_icon All the benefits made available with a PRO subscription
yours_icon Your branding reflected on the JobScout platform checkmark_icon The PREMIERE package is for thos who want to engage in feature customization and additional content creation
triplebadge_icon Three custom lessons developed by JobScout for your clients’ use, based on your unique needs gear_icon Work with JobScout to create custom systems for your organizaton